DIY 32ch FPV 5.8ghz LCD

If you’re like me, you don like buying stuff that’s ready-to-go, but rather build one yourself. We usually spend more money, but it’s way more satisfying 🙂 I really didn’t want to buy an overly expensive 32ch FPV LCD receiver, so I made my own DIY 32ch FPV 5.8ghz LCD, that is compatible with EVERY transmitter on …


Turnigy H.A.L Quadcopter

Heavy Aerial Lift… ta quadcopter sem sicer ze imel doma, ampak sem ga parkat dal narazen, pa enkrat razbil. Zdj sem se pa odlocil da ga popravim. Enega od ALU boomov sem skrivil, zato sem narocil nove… 3cm daljse, karbonske. ESCje so moji najljubsi Hobbyking F30a. Nisem se se odlocil med SimonK ali BlHeli, zato …
