I had a couple of spare sets of motors and ESCs.. It was only logical to buy a new frame. I also wanted to move the APM to another multi, that I could carry around. I eventually decided on Quanum Venture FPV quadcopter with APM flight controller fitted onto it.
The package arrived a couple of days later
I like the neatly packed frame, secured in black foam.
I immediately started putting it together, APM first. This wasn’t my first go with APM on Venture, so I didn’t want it to hang down the middle spar, or be fixed on the bottom. That produced to many vibrations, and the APM failed to hold the altitude in different modes. Stabilize work fine, tho. I eventually got it to work with two types of foam stuck together. The winning combo is Hobbyking Pink anti vibration foam + anti vib sticky pads.
This combination produced the least ammount of vibration, hence alt was solid. It did skip a little, but I still have to tune the PID settings, so it should be ok.
I managed to fill the bottom half with minimOSD, power module, 600mW vTx and a Spektrum receiver with sat.
Motors… I used Turnigy d2830/11 with F30a 30Amp regulators flashed with BlHeli. Zip-tie the ESCs to the bottom of the PDB and solder the power leads. Push motor wires through tubes and connect to ESCs. Solder battery connctor/APM power module to PDB. It might be smart to check motor rotation and do ESC calibration. Connect ESCs and everything to APM, and screw on the “H” frame. Be careful and check regularly, APM should have some spare space, and should not touch anything.
As for the Mission planner, I chose the “H” frame. I have never used it before, and I wanted to try it. Mind you, the orientation of the motors in different than on the X frame.
With that, I got to testing. I tested ATLhold, and mostly cruised around. The quad performed ok, it still oscillates on AIL/y axis, but nothing a little PID tunning couldn’t fix.
I will go more into details after I finish the whole build, but Venture is flyable now 🙂
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