Well, this is a story about how Raspberry Pi Zero got Ardupilot, hopefully flies away and gets back safely 🙂
I wanted to make this a professional looking PCB, with smd components, everything crammed on it, but for that, I might as well get a PXFMINI. I changed my thinking, and built a flight FC to be cheap, available, breadboard and DIY friendly, but still look professional. That’s why I use ready made breakout modules with sensors and had PCBs made by OshPark.
I bought an APM from 3drobotics a long time ago (well, at least technology-wise, it was a long time ago. 3 years maybe 🙂 ), and I really love it, still. I don’t really use all the features, but it’s nice to know they are there. I also really like like the opensource community behing it.
So, yeah, after a couple of years, it was time to upgrade. I wanted to get the Pixhawk, but then dad got me the tiny Intel Edison, and some time after that, the PiZero was announced. Needless to say, I did not get the Pixhawk. I didn’t want to use the Edison for testing, so I got me a PiZero from Pimoroni, and started googling on how to do it. I came across this website, from this guy. This made thing SOOOOOO much easier. Thanks Patrick!
Getting stuff (everything I used here)
Believe it or not, this is how I work… First I get an idea, then I buy the parts and finally figure out if it could work or not. Then buy proper stuff. I have lots of stuff haha 😀 I work on impulse 😀
Bare minimum needed:
- PiZero (or any other Pi)
- MPU-9250, 9-Axis Gyro+Accel+Magn
- MS5611 barometric sensor
- two sided proto PCB, if you dont want to test on ye’olde proto board
- some wire and pins, female and male
Optional stuff, very useful
- APM Power module to power the Zero
- PCA9685 16 channel i2c pwm servo driver (already built module or the IC alone)
- UBLOX gps module (be careful with chinese clones, some have the wrong flash IC, won’t save settings)
- ADS1115 to provide voltage and amp measuring (already built module or the IC alone)
- OLED ssd1306 I2C display (OR green, blue, amber leds with resistors. I chose the display, because it’s easy to connect, instead of those finicky little smd LEDs, plus it’s easier to read letters than blinky lights)
- 1.5k resistor, 2.2k resistor
- PWM to PPM converter if your RX doesnt have PPM
- I also found MavPixel, a WS2812 I2C controller
Connecting it together part 1.
First, we connect the sensor modules, check if ArduCopter starts or not. If it does, we move to connecting the periferals.
Gyro and baro sensor are connected through same SPI bus, just have different CS (chip select) pin, which is controlled by software.
end part 1.
Getting ArduPilot software
You can use a different linux computer to get the software, edit the libraries to use the right orientation, cross compile and copy to PiZero…
Or you can compile on the Zero itself. Hassle-free, just takes longer… not much, tho. I’m going to go with that.
Install rasbian, download here, instructions also provided.
Connect to Pizero, either over ssh, or plug in your keyboard, type in:
sudo raspi-config
enter Expand Filesystem
enter Change User Password
enter Boot Options, Boot to CLI
enter Advanced Options, enable SSH, SPI, I2C, disable Serial.
add “enable_uart=1” in /boot/config.txt (this is to enable serial input for GPS)
save and restart
Now, we install RT-PREEMPT, which is RTOS patch, makes rasbian Real-time OS. Copy the commands from here, or even better, go to the original website, and check for new versions. This basically copies the precompiled kernel over our original one.
~$ sudo rm –r /boot/overlays/
~$ sudo rm –r /lib/firmware/
~$ cd /tmp
~$ wget http://download.frank-durr.de/kernel-4.4.9-rt17.tgz
~$ tar xzf kernel–4.4.9–rt17.tgz
~$ cd boot
~$ sudo cp –rd * /boot/
~$ cd ../lib
~$ sudo cp –dr * /lib/
~$ sudo /sbin/reboot
Reboot and reconnect.
Install required software and ArduCopter
- Clone code from github
~$ git clone https://github.com/erlerobot/ardupilot.git
- Install GNU awk
~$ sudo apt-get install gawk
- Change MPU9250 orientation
Open file: ardupilot/libraries/AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor_MPU9250.cpp
Find and replace
Enable PWM
Open file: ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL_Linux/HAL_Linux_Class.cppFind and replace
static RCOutput_PCA9685 rcoutDriver(PCA9685_PRIMARY_ADDRESS, true, 3, RPI_GPIO_27);
static RCOutput_PCA9685 rcoutDriver(PCA9685_PRIMARY_ADDRESS, false, 0, RPI_GPIO_27); - Disable RGB leds and enable OLED
AP_BoardLED boardled;
NotifyDevice *AP_Notify::_devices[] = {&boardled};Replace with
Display_SSD1306_I2C display;
NotifyDevice *AP_Notify::_devices[] = {&display}; - COMPILE
Go to ArduCopter dir for copter, or ArduPlane if you want to compile for a plane.
~$ make pxfmini
wait… - Test!
Connecting it together part 2.
Now, that we have a working ArduPiCopterZeroDroneFlyingMiniLinuxComputer (I’m so clever with names, I know), we can start connecting the peripherals.
First, we will add ADS1115 to monitor the battery. ADS1115 uses I2C to communicate so connect
- VCC – 5v
- Voltage wire from Power module – A0
- Ampere wire from Power module – A1
- ADDR – GND (set address to ‘0x48’)
2. Next connect the Power Module
There is a 6 pin connector on the PM, pinout as follows
(PLEASE, test with a multimeter, chinese clones CAN have cables the other way around, so black is vcc and red is gnd)
pin PM action pin on APM
1,2 5V any 5v, to provide power to PiZero.
3 Current [I] A1 on ADS1115
4 Voltage [V] A0 on ADS1115
5,6 Gnd any ground
3. To drive the servos or ESCs, we need PCA9685. It’s an I2C enabled pwm driver, so just connect it to any I2c pins, maybe the easiest is to hook it up to ADS1115. As said SDA to SDA, SCL to SCL, 5v to 5v, gnd to gnd, no rocket science there.There is, however, a catch with 5v power rail… Wiring it like this does NOT provide to 5v pin on the ESC/servo connectors. For multicopters, leave it as is, but if you intend to use servos, connect 5v to vcc pin on the module, maybe put a fuse between PCA and RPI, just to be sure. Me, I just remove 5v wire from ESC, and connect vcc power to PCA. Your choice.
4. UBLOX gps module… I have one chinese and one original from 3DR. Shell out for the high quality one… That’s all i’m gonna say.
Bunch of useless shit needs to be done to clones, for them to work properly. Majority of them have THE WRONG eeprom chip installed. Well wrong isn’t exactly a right word, since it’s “just” a wrong orientation. Either way, with clones, you’re left with a couple choices:
- Get the correct chip from the internets
- rewire the wrongly oriented chip
- send configuration string to gps with rc.local everytime the pi boots, and completely forget about eeprom 🙂
The last one is probably the easiest, since you don’t even have to configure the GPS in Windows over FTDI converter. And that’s the one I intend to use. I could go into detail on how to set it with U-center, but I won’t, since it’s been done already.
If you have the one that was put together like it was supposed to be, just connect power and RX to TX and TX to RX. Nothing more to it. If you want to test it, just enter
cat /etc/ttyAMA0
and you should see gps sentences being sent over to you. If not, probably switch RX and TX, or repeat step: Getting ArduPilot software.
5. We need to be able to control the FC, so we connect PWM to PPM converter
On the converter, there are three “out” wires , the usual servo connector, gnd, vcc, signal (ppm). Connect vcc to 5v, gnd to gnd. For the signal input, we will need a voltage divider, since Rpi GPIO has 3v3 input max. connect it like a-so.. where R1 is 1.5Kohm and R2 is 2.2Kohm. This lowers the high 5v to acceptable 2.973v. So, Vin is PPM, OUT is gpio4

Voltage Divider Circuit Schematic
6. OLED is a simple I2C device, so connect the I2C lines any where on the board, pins, rpi or servo controller. SDA to SDA, SCL to SCL and 5v power.
7. Besides that shiny, tiny OLED screen, I also wanted a different form of visual notification, the kind that you can see from outer space 🙂 Something like IRIS has, or the Phantom. I stumbled upon MavPixel. It’s a diy Arduino pro mini project, that scans the telemetry, and controls up to 12 WS2812 I2C rgb leds accordingly. It also comes with GUI configurator, which is basically a copy of Cleanflight’s Led configuration program, so it should be easy to figure out.
When I get the LEDs, I will make another post, just for MavPixel.
I had some PCBs made from OSHpark. As always, the result is BEE-E-A-utiful
[Parts List]
[OSHpark pcb link]
eagle layout change for the new combiboard CJMCU-117 MPU9250+MS5611 possible?
best regards
Hi, I dont know, but I think it *should* work. From the looks of it, that module is wired the same as those two on my board.
So I’m confused as to how to wire both a receiver and the PCA9685 to a set of ESCs. Do I need to splice the signal wire from the ESCs into both to allow manual and autonomous control?
no, you don’t splice the wire. I use the PCA9685 module, and just connect the three wires to the module. there is no direct “manual” control, passthrough is passed through he APM. Connections are the same.
Is it possible to use PWM output directly from the RPI?
I had that exact question, so Im going to tell what was told to me (http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/mini-zee-a-100-diy-smart-drone-with-the-pi-zero-and-apm?id=705844%3ABlogPost%3A2215516&page=3#comments)
Hello Matic,
First of all, congratulations for the excellent work!
I already ordered the PCB at OSH park, it was sent on June 13, 2018, but it should take a while to get here in Brazil.
I have some doubts:
Do I need to solder any components on the board?
How do I connect everything? Stacking PCA9685 on Pi Zero and Purple PCB ArduPiCopterZeroDroneFlyingMiniLinuxComputer on top? Like a sandwich?
HI, Thanks 🙂
Im sorry for the late reply, the notification was sent to spam…
Except for the modules, NO, nothing else to solder on the pcb. I glued the PCA on the bottom of the board, and the other two, I soldered to the top. That, I stacked on the PIZero.
I did start making a new tutorial about this, since I use RealTimePi OS, and Ardupilot code has changed a bit…. it will take me some time to finish tho…
I received the PCB on June 25, came fast, they are beautiful !!!
I have also received the MPU-9250 and MS5611.
“I did start making a new tutorial about this, since I used RealTimePi OS, and Ardupilot code has changed a bit … .it will take me some time to finish tho …” – Awaiting for …
My Cheerson CX20 gave total loss after the last drop, APM and GPS PCB cracked, so I’ll use what’s left over, Motors, ESC’s, RX’s and Batteries …
Thats great 🙂
Yes, the boards really look amazing.
uf, sorry to hear about that Cheerson, must have taken a huge dive :O
Im planning to post an update to this post sometime this weekend.
Awaiting …
Hello this is a great project.
I want to ask how to set all the electronic like ESC, battery, servo?
I want to build my own flight controller for plane.
thanks for your comment. What exactly are you having problems with?
ESCs and servos are connected to I2C servo controller, from port 1 onwards. battery is connected to battery power module.
Feel free to comment. I might not answer quick, but I will eventually 🙂
where to connect telemetry?
you need to add a serial to usb converter, and connect that to the USB port on the RPI. Then start ardupilot code with the appropriate switch to send telemetry on USB.
excuse me Sir, could you share your video when you set up your project? I’am confused about the electronics set up
thank you
At this point I dont have a video, and I might not have it soon, because my rPi zero got reused in another project.
I might come back to this eventually (I do have one simple quad frame left)
There is however a project, on which I based this one on:
Feel free to browse around and ask me anything. I will do my best to answer.
this is a excellent work, I have two questions:
the ppm broken problem on raspberry pi zero since arducopter 3.5 is it fixed?
is this possible use external magnetometer?
Best Regards.
Thanks 🙂
I honestly do not know what kind of problem you are talking about. I have not had any problems using any external PPM encoder.
Yes, it should be possible. Connecting an external MAG to i2c line, and finding a suitable line in the code would be my guess. I have not done it before, but I think ArduPilot code is smart enough to use two or more of each sensor.
Maybe something like HMC5843 would do the trick.
Thanks for your quick answer,
ppm broken problem pointed here:
Do you have any evidences(videos) about the real flight of your design?
Thanks in advance.
no, not anymore. Long gone now. Anyhow, this was just to prove to myself that I can do it.
This was made from Patrick’s schematic, he also uploaded some videos.
BTW, this is prettt old now, even Patrick move away from RPI, I think he is now building his own cape for PocketBeagle.
Check out his Blog
do we need all the component to compile the code?
no, you dont. You can even cross compile on a different computer, and move the binary to the PI
what do we do after compile the code? And how to connet it to mission planner?
what do you mean? you have to run it on RPI.
connect it to MP with telemetry. I have never tried it with on-board USB.
Something like this (taken from here)
Here, do not forget to change?
Thank you for this excellent guide. It was truly helpful for me in my trial of building RPI Zero ardupilot. I found a bug in RCInput that crashs my RPI-Z giving “segmentation fault” I fixed this in this PR https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/14842 . This could be helpful to others who want to build similar board.
Please find my OBAL board heavily inspired by this post.