hello again
If you, like me, have bought a flip32 AIO board, you probably got it because it was cheap… like 10usd cheap. I got it from hobbyking as part of the weekly actions…. I don’t really have use for it at the moment, but a quick look in my parts bin, and it hit me 🙂 im going to upgrade this Flip32 AIO with iNav and CJMCU GPS.
First of all, get all the parts together:
- Flip32 AIO with all the cables
- CJMCU GPS with HMC5883L magnetometer
- iNav configurator for chrome
Yes, most of those GPS module have the wrong flash chip installed, so the configuration and settings cant be saved, but have no fear, iNav will do the configurations at every boot.
btw, the magnetometer does not have it’s own GND connection and there is only one GND wire, so either take another wire from another cable or solder a wire from a GND pin on GPS module itself. That’s what I did
You need to take care of the serial and IIC connections to the GPS module. Take the GPS-FC cable, and re-wire it like this:
Hardware-wise, that’s it 🙂
Now open iNav configurator, and go to Firmware Flasher, select board NAZE, and latest version. Flash as usual (Load online FW – Flash Firmware)
You should see FLASHING-VERIFYING on the bottom bar
Connect iNAV configurator and enable GPS and MAG, save and reboot after EVERY STEP.
REMEMBER TO SAVE AND REBOOT AFTER EVERY STEP or you might go through the steps again.
If everything went correctly, you should see this
Here you go, a quick guide to connecting a GPS and MAG to FLIP32 AIO for use with iNAV.