So I saw a post on the internet a couple of weeks ago, and I thought it was just genius. To make it short, the RX5808 module is a mere 8 channel receiver, but with SPI comm enabled, you can “hack” it to use every 5.8ghz channel, thus making it a 32ch FPV receiver using rx5808 pro. We just need an Arduino.
Check that webpage and make yourself one like I did:
or contact me… I have a couple of unpopulated PCBs, just waiting to get fired. I had these made at, you can reorder 10 of them for 14usd, shipping included.
Order PCBs here, then leave me a comment for the list of elements.
Click here for [Parts List]
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Parts list?
Sure thing. Basically you need
Arduino Pro Mini guts (IC, oscilator, capacitors),
5v voltage regulator,
hacked RX5808 receiver,
antenna connector,
OLED screen,
and some 1k resistors for button input and TV output, if not using an OLED
On the back of the white PCB, there are I2C pads for an OLED screen.
You can also generate the “tv” signal directly to your goggles or TFT, and switch between config screen and fpv stream with a slide switch.
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